The Medical Community

Why I Don’t Want COVID

“But ataxia and spasticity don’t affect the immune system, so it’s not like you’re particularly at risk, right?”

Well, yes and no. I am indeed not more or less likely to catch it than anybody else, because my immune system is chugging along just fine.

On the other hand, if I do catch it, ataxia apparently puts me at higher risk of developing severe respiratory symptoms, and the recovery period (you know, if I recover) can be longer.

Continue reading “Why I Don’t Want COVID”
Other People

Common Misconceptions About My Ataxia

Let’s be real: 99% of people don’t know what ataxia is in the first place. In fact, my first and most common misconception could be “no, actually, I don’t have multiple sclerosis, thanks for asking…” I wrote an article recently explaining what ataxia is, and here I’ll tell you about the most common things people ask me, think about me, or assume about me and act on without talking to me about it.

Once again, this is about my (unknown) version of the disease and my experience with it, so it’s likely the same won’t apply to everyone with ataxia. Let me know if it does, though, so we can commiserate together about how weird ableds can be!

Continue reading “Common Misconceptions About My Ataxia”
The Medical Community

So What Exactly Is Ataxia Anyways?

Or, as we’d so charmingly say in Quebec, “L’ataxie, quessé ça mange en hiver c’t’affaire-là?”

Please keep in mind for this article that I am not an expert on the topic. I aim simply to explain this disease in broad terms, based on the Ataxia Canada website, what I remember from doctors’ appointments, and my own experience.

Ataxia, in and of itself, is a symptom and not a whole disease. It means troubles with coordination, and can be associated with other conditions, such as brain lesions, temporarily or not. Being ataxic is often confused with being drunk (and I can vouch for that…): loss of balance, difficulty walking, slurred speech, uncontrolled movements…

Continue reading “So What Exactly Is Ataxia Anyways?”